Tuesday, December 1, 2009

All Ready to Learn!

From Amy:

I had a good first day of school. I like doing odd and even in Math. I wrote this poem for handwriting today:

Odd and Even
By Marg Wadsworth

If you are an even number
You always have a pair
So if you look around
Your buddy will always be there
But ...
If you are an odd number
There's always a lonely one
He looks around to find his buddy
But he's the only one.

I also learned this poem:
0, 2, 4, 6, 8 even numbers ARE SO GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Going to the library was very fun. I checked out three Rainbow Magic books. They are chapter books and I already one. The names of them were Amy, Sky, and Ruby. I LOVE Rainbow Magic books.
I'm going to make a Gingerbread House that's Hansel and Gretel for our school's Christmas Party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
(Mommy's note: Amy LOVES exclamation points!!!!!!)

From Karissa:

Hi guys~ It's Karissa! I want to tell you some of my favorite things in school:

- My Spelling: I get to do it on the computer. This is our favorite spelling website.

- Free Time Box: It is the BEST free time thing ever. It has Pixos!!

-Math: I learned rounding.

And on Monday, I did a scavenger hunt in the library and I checked out Kailey, an American Girl book. Tomorrow, we're going to a nature center with sketch books! I'll tell you about that next time!



1 comment:

  1. OK smarty, what are Pixos? Amy, I love your poem. Neither one of you mentioned PE. Your mom said you really had fun and so did Ben Ben. I will check this website every night before I go to bed. Maybe I will learn something new from you two every day. Love, Grandma (I want to eat your gingerbread houses He He He!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
